


2013.6.10(月) 開催


The presentation will give a comprehensive overview on recent developments in Europe and on progress made in overcoming the crisis. With respect to Germany, analysis focuses on long-term policy challenges, in particular against the background of demographic change. Overall, the talk will stress the importance of structural reforms and stable public finances to foster sustainable economic growth.

日 時:    平成25年6月10日(月)17:00~18:30
会 場:    政策研究大学院大学(GRIPS) 1階1A会議室
演 題:    “Economic policy challenges in Germany and Europe: Where do we stand”
講演者:    ルドガー・シュークネヒト氏  (ドイツ連邦財務省 経済・財政政策戦略 国際経済・金融局長)
モデレータ: Rhodes教授、政策研究大学院大学
使用言語:  英語(通訳は入りません)
参加費:   無料

Dr. Ludger Schuknecht has a Master in Economics from George Mason University, US and obtained his Ph.D. in Economics at the University of Konstanz, Germany, in 1992. As a macroeconomist, Mr. Schuknecht hast spent his professional life working for several International Organization, including the International Monetary Fund and the World Trade Organization before joining the European Central Bank in 1999, where he worked as a senior official on fiscal and issues. Since 2011, Mr. Schuknecht is the Director General of the Department for Fiscal Policy and International and Monetary Policy at the German Ministry of Finance.


開催日時 2013年6月13日~2013年6月13日 17:00~18:30
演 題”Economic policy challenges in Germany and Europe: Where do we stand”
会 場 政策研究大学院大学 1階 1A会議室
参加費 無料

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