2020.08.29(土) 開催
GRIPS Webinar "Cold War at Sea: American Confrontation and Cooperation with Russia and China"
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米国立航空宇宙博物館のDr. David Winklerを登壇者に迎え、GRIPS Webinar "Cold War at Sea: American Confrontation and Cooperation with Russia and China"をオンライン開催します。モデレーターはGRIPS副学長の道下徳成です。(定員:100名)
Dr. David Winkler, the author of Incidents at Sea: American Confrontation and Cooperation with Russia and China, 1945-2016 (Naval Institute Press, 2017), will discuss (a) how the peacetime confrontation at sea between the United States and the Soviet Union developed during the Cold War, (b) how those two superpowers managed or failed to manage the competition, and (c) how we might be able to learn lessons from the Cold War experience and use them to manage the ongoing confrontation between the United States and China.
Speaker Profile: Dr. David F. Winkler is the 2020-2021 Smithsonian Air and Space Museum Charles Lindbergh Fellow in Aerospace History following a year as the U.S. Naval Academy Class of 1957 Chair of Naval Heritage. Having served two decades as the Naval Historical Foundation staff historian, Winkler holds a Ph.D. from American University, MA from Washington University, and BA from Penn State. He is a retired Navy commander, having served twenty-eight years on active duty and the reserves.
He is the author of Amirs, Admirals, and Desert Sailors: The U.S. Navy, Bahrain, and the Gulf (Naval Institute Press, 2007) and Ready Then, Ready Now, Ready Always (Navy Reserve Centennial Book Committee, 2014) among others.
Moderator Profile: Dr. Narushige Michishita is vice president and professor at the National Graduate Institute for Policy Studies (GRIPS) in Tokyo. A specialist in Japanese security and foreign policy as well as security issues on the Korean Peninsula, he is the author of North Korea's Military-Diplomatic Campaigns, 1966-2008 (Routledge, 2009) and Lessons of the Cold War in the Pacific: U.S. Maritime Strategy, Crisis Prevention, and Japan's Role (Woodrow Wilson Center, 2016) (co-authored with Peter M. Swartz and David F. Winkler). He acquired his Ph.D. from the School of Advanced International Studies (SAIS), Johns Hopkins University.
開催日時 | 8月29日(土) 10:00~11:30(日本時間) |
講演者 | Dr. David Winkler Charles Lindbergh Fellow in Aerospace History Smithsonian Air and Space Museum |
会 場 | オンライン開催(Zoom) |
参加費 | 無料 |
言 語 | 英語(同時通訳無し) |