


ASEAN Initiatives Program

Program in Brief

Contributes to the capacity building of young ASEAN administrators, promote ASEAN integration, and effectively implement the Japanese government’s support of ASEAN.

  • Program Director: Professor Mikitaka Masuyama
  • Associate Director: Professor Andrea Pressello
  • Degrees Offered: Master of Public Policy
  • Scholarship: Japan-ASEAN Integration Fund (JAIF)
  • Language of Instruction: English
  • Program Duration: One year
  • Enrollment: October
  • Graduation: September

The program is a unique initiative that combines work experience in the ASEAN Secretariat with the development of leaders and policy professionals for democratic governance through GRIPS, enabling participants to acquire a broad knowledge of public policy and to improve their practical problem-solving skills. Participants deepen their understanding of Japan by learning about the Japanese political and economic situation and policy issues, and conduct policy research to effectively realize the ASEAN Outlook on the Indo-Pacific (AOIP), democracy, and the rule of law.

Target Group

Administrative officials from Cambodia, Laos, Myanmar, and Vietnam who have completed the ASEAN Secretariat work experience program supported by the Japanese government through the Japan-ASEAN Integration Fund (JAIF) for the past 10 years.


Curriculum 2024/2025 (as of August 2024)

Category Course Name Instructor
I Required Courses The World and the SDGs KUDO Toshihiro, et al.
Introduction to Japan PRESSELLO Andrea
Colloquium I TAKADA Hirofumi, YOSHIMUTA Tsuyoshi
Independent Study MASUYAMA Mikitaka, et al.
Field Trip PRESSELLO Andrea
AOIP Workshop MASUYAMA Mikitaka
II Recommended Courses Economic Development of Southeast Asia KUDO Toshihiro
East Asian Economies KUDO Toshihiro
International Relations in East Asia TAKAGI Yusuke
Comparative Development Studies of Asia LIM Guanie
International Security Studies YOSHIZAKI Tomonori
Contemporary Japanese Economy NAKAJIMA Atsushi
Government and Politics in Japan MASUYAMA Mikitaka
International Political Economy CHEY Hyoung-kyu
International Development Policy OHNO Izumi
Local Government System and Finance TAKADA Hirofumi
Colloquium II TAKADA Hirofumi
Leadership and Knowledge Creation NISHIHARA Ayano
GRIPS Forum I IWAMA Yoko, IIZUKA Michiko
III Elective Courses Japanese Economy YOKOYAMA Tadashi
Economic Development of Japan HASHINO Tomoko, MATSUNAGA Masaei
Development Economics MAKINO Momoe
Development History of  Asia: Policy, Market and Technology NAKAO Takehiko
Transportation Planning and Policy HIBINO Naohiko
Japanese Foreign Policy PRESSELLO Andrea
State and Politics in Southeast Asia LIM Guanie
Structure and Process of Government YOSHIMUTA Tsuyoshi
Comparative Political Economy KANCHOOCHAT Veerayooth
Human Resources Management TAKADA Hirofumi
Public Expenditure Management TANAKA Hideaki
Social Security System in Japan ONO Taichi
Small and Medium Enterprise and Technology HASHIMOTO Hisayoshi
Comparative Analysis of Science, Technology and Innovation Policy: Asian Experiences INTARAKUMNERD Patarapong
Outline of Energy Policy TAKAHASHI Kazuaki
Science, Technology and Innovation Policy in Developing Country Context IIZUKA Michiko
Selected Topics in Policy Studies I -IV
Courses not listed in this table
X Others Language Courses offered by the Center for Professional Communication

7-22-1 Roppongi, Minato-ku, Tokyo 106-8677

TEL : +81-(0)3-6439-6000     
FAX : +81-(0)3-6439-6010


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