Position Vice President; Director, Policy Research Center; Professor
Degree Ph.D. in Agricultural Economics and Economics (Michigan State University)
Specialty Development Economics
  • Selected publications

Yoko Kijima and Horacio Gonzalez (2013) “Does Observance of Religious Holidays Affect Agricultural Productivity and Household Welfare? Evidence from Rural Ethiopia” Journal of Development Studies 49 (9): 1188-1201.
Yoko Kijima, Yukinori Ito, and Keijiro Otsuka (2012) “Assessing the Impact of Training on Lowland Rice Productivity in an African Setting: Evidence from Uganda,” World Development 40(8): 1610-1618
Yoko Kijima, Takashi Yamano, and Isabelle Baltenweck (2010), “Emerging Markets after Liberalization: Evidence from the Raw Milk Market in Rural Kenya.”  Journal of African Economies 19(1):88-110
Yoko Kijima (2006), “Why Did Wage Inequality Increase?: Evidence from Urban India 1983-99.” Journal of Development Economics 81 (1): 97-117.
Yoko Kijima (2006), “Caste and Tribe Inequality: Evidence from India 1983-99.” Economic Development and Cultural Change 54(2): 369-404

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