Events Information
(Japanese) 政策研究大学院大学・建築研究所共催シンポジウム 「BIMがつながる将来の展望-建築設計・生産各段階の抱く展望と課題」
Program: (The latest version is on the website. )
Chairperson: Haruka Kato
13:00-13:05 Opening Talk: Koichi Sumikura, Professor, GRIPS
13:05-13:50 Special Lecture
“Fostering Entrepreneurship: Technology Transfer Return on Investment (ROI) in the US.”
Steven Ferguson, Senior Advisor, Office of Technology Transfer, National Institute of Health
13:50-14:35 Special Lecture
“Intellectual Property and Innovation — The Key to Sustainable Economic Growth.”
David Kappos, Partner, Cravath, Swaine & Moore LLP (ex-Director of USPTO)
Chairperson: Hidemi Arai
14:35-15:00 Invited Speech
“Can Blockchain Solve Social Issues?”
Jun Kawasaki, Co-Founder, Commons inc.; CEO, GIFTED AGENT Co,,Ltd.
15:00-15:20 Break
Chairperson: Keiko Okano
15:20-17:30 Presentation of Cases and Panel Discussion
“Rare diseases and unmet medical needs.” Yukiko Nishimura, President/ Founder, NPO ASrid
“Access and benefit sharing of genetic resources.” Mutsuaki Suzuki, Director, NIG Innovation, National Institute of Genetics
“Safe drinking water device.” Hidetaro Kataoka, Representative, POLY-GLU SDGs & ESG
“Aging Japan.” Yukiko Kamijo, Patent Attorney, Taiyo, Nakajima and Kato
“Cases of the University of Tokyo.” Takafumi Yamamoto, Vice Director General, the University of Tokyo; CEO, Todai TLO
“Application of blockchain technology.” Masato Adachi, In-House Hub Tokyo, Managing Partner, Lawyer and Patent Attorney
Moderator of Panel discussion: Koichi Sumikura
17:45-19:30 Reception: Free of Charge
◆Registration required.
※ Capacity: 300 participants (if exceeded, we will contact to the e-mail address registered.)
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