2. Research Projects

Research Projects

Jun 1, 2019 - Mar 31, 2020

The Impact of Female Genital Cutting on African Women’s Wellbeing and Child Outcomes


In this project, we examine the long-term impact of female genital cutting on female wellbeing and child outcomes. For identification, we exploit the policy rollout of female genital cutting bans among a range of birth cohorts across countries in the African continent between 1965 and 2008. We first investigate the characteristics of compliers by estimating the policy impact on cutting status over various subpopulations and age groups. Next, we focus on the compliers to estimate the local treatment effect of female genital cutting on a range of outcomes, including female health, education, marriage, fertility, husband quality, child health. Our analysis adopt data from the Demographic and Health Surveys from the entire Africa to assemble unique data linking females’ family background and region of residence in childhood/adolescence to adult outcomes. This research will make important contributions and provide useful policy interpretations.