


Disaster Management Policy Program





  • プログラムディレクター:片山 耕治 教授

  • 副ディレクター:日比野 直彦 教授

  • 学位:修士(防災政策) / Master of Disaster Management

  • 授業で使う言語:英語

  • 修了までの(標準的な)年数:1年

  • 入学時期:10月

  • 修了の時期:9月

  • 願書受付時期(昨年度実績):例年4月頃

  • 合格発表時期(昨年度実績):例年7月頃





















2023年6月20日、DMPが国交省の "Japanコンストラクション国際賞"の"先駆的活動部門" において表彰を受けました。


地震学・耐震工学・津波防災コース カリキュラム


Category Course Name Instructor
I Required Courses Individual Study
II Recommended Courses Disaster Management Policies A: from Regional and Infrastructure Aspect Hibino
Disaster Management Policies B: from Urban and Community Aspect Katayama
Earthquake Hazard Assessment A Nakagawa
Earthquake Risk Assessment Azuhata
Tsunami Hazard Assessment Shibazaki
Tsunami Countermeasures Fujii
Earthquake Hazard Assessment B Hara
III Elective Courses Earthquake Phenomenology Kita
Characteristics of Earthquake Disasters Hara
Earthquake Circumstance Shibazaki
Information Technology Related with Earthquakes and Disasters Hayashida
Structural Analysis Otsuka
Ground Vibration and Structural Dynamics Nakagawa
Seismic Structures Otsuka
Seismic Evaluation and Seismic Design Code Azuhata
Theory of Tsunami Fujii
Case Study (Practice for Earthquake Disaster-Recovery Management Policy I) Nakagawa
Case Study (Practice for Earthquake Disaster-Recovery Management Policy II) Hayashida
Case Study (Practice for Earthquake Disaster-Recovery Management Policy III) Matoba
Case Study (Practice for Tsunami Disaster Mitigation Policy) Hara
Selected Topics in Policy Studies I -IV

水災害リスクマネジメントコース カリキュラム


Category Course Title Instructor
I Required Courses Individual Study
II Recommended Courses Disaster Management Policies A: from Regional and Infrastructure Aspect Hibino
Disaster Management Policies B: from Urban and Community Aspect Katayama
Hydrology Miyamoto, Koike
Hydraulics Harada, Egashira
Basic Concepts of Integrated Flood Risk Management (IFRM) Takeuchi
Urban Flood Management and Flood Hazard Mapping Tanaka
Flood Hydraulics and River Channel Design Fukuoka
Mechanics of Sediment Transportation and Channel Changes Egashira
Control Measures for Landslide & Debris Flow Osanai
Socio-economic and Environmental Aspects of Sustainability-oriented Flood Management Ohara, Sumi
III Elective Courses Computer Programming Ushiyama, Harada
Practice on Integrated Flood Analysis System (IFAS) Sayama, Rasmy
Practice on GIS and Remote Sensing Technique Rasmy, Kawasaki
Site Visit of Water-related Disaster Management Practice in Japan Koike
Practice on Open Channel Hydraulics Yorozuya
Selected Topics in Policy Studies I -IV







アルジェリア National Center for Research Applied in Earthquake Engineering
インド Indian National Centre for Ocean Information Services (INCOIS), MoES
インドネシア  Indonesian Agency for Meteorological, Climatological and Geophysics (BMKG); Ministry of Public Works and Housing; National Agency for Disaster Management (BNPB)
エジプト National Research Institute of Astronomy and Geophysics (NRIAG)
エルサルバドル Ministry of Environment and Natural Resources; Ministry of Culture; JICA Technical Cooperation Team for GENSAI Project; COAMSS/OPAMSS; INGENYARSE S.A. de C.V.
ガーナ Ghana Geological Survey Authority
コスタリカ Volcanes sin Fronteras; Instituto Costarricense de Electricidad
コモロ National Center for Documentation and Scientific Research (CNDRS)

Irrigation Department; Sri Lanka Land Development Corporation; Disaster Management Centre


Ministry of Mines, Energy and Rural Electrification

チュニジア Ministry of Equipment and Housing
チリ Ministry of Public Works; Asociacion Chilena de Ingenieria de Puertos y Costas
トルクメニスタン Ministry of construction and architecture of Turkmenistan
トルコ Istanbul Technical University
トンガ Ministry of Lands and Natural Resources; Ministry of Infrastructure
ネパール Ministry of Energy; Department of Water Resources and Irrigation; Ministry of Physical Infrastructure and Transport
パキスタン Pakistan Meteorological Department; Pakistan Water and Power Development Authority; Gilgit Baltistan Public Works Department; Pakistan Council of Research in Water Resources, Islamabad
バングラデシュ Ministry of Housing and Public Works; Bangladesh Water Development Board; Housing and Building Research Institute (HBRI)
東ティモール Instituto Do Petroleo e Geologia (IPG); Institute of Geoscience Timor-Leste (IGTL); Ministry of Public Works; National Directorate of Meteorology and Geophysics
ブータン Ministry of Agriculture and Forests; Ministry of Home and Cultural Affairs; Ministry of Works and Human Settlement; Ministry of Economic Affairs; National Center for Hydrology and Meteorology (NCHM)
フィジー Ministry of Lands and Mineral Resources
フィリピン Philippine Institute of Volcanology and Seismology; Philippine Atmospheric, Geophysical and Astronomical Services Administration (PAGASA); Department of Public Works and Highways; Department of Science and Technology, Philippine Institute of Volcanology and Seismology; Batangas State University; Department of the Interior and Local Government; Municipal Government of Manbusao, Capiz
ブラジル Military Fire Brigade of Minas Gerais; CPRM-Companhia de Pesquisa de Recursos Minerais
ペルー Japan-Peru Center for Earthquake Engineering Research and Disaster Mitigation (CISMID)
ホンデュラス Secretary of Infrastructure and Transportation
マラウィ Dept. of Disaster Management Affairs; Mmbelwa District Council; Nkhotakota District Council
マレーシア Public Works Department (JKR)
ミャンマー Ministry of Agriculture, Livestock and Irrigation; Directorate of Water Resources and Improvement of River Systems
モーリシャス Land Drainage Authority
モロッコ Ministry of infrastructure and water
モンゴル Institute of Astronomy and Geophysics, Mongolian Academy of Science







〒106-8677 東京都港区六本木7-22-1

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