プログラムディレクター:片山 耕治 教授
副ディレクター:知花 武佳 教授
学位:修士(防災政策) / Master of Disaster Management
2023年6月20日、DMPが国交省の "Japanコンストラクション国際賞"の"先駆的活動部門" において表彰を受けました。
地震学・耐震工学・津波防災コース カリキュラム
Category | Course Name | Instructor |
I Required Courses | Master Thesis Seminar (Seismology) / Master Thesis Seminar (Earthquake Engineering) / Master Thesis Seminar (Tsunami Disaster Mitigation) |
KITA Saeko / ITO Mai / FUJII Yushiro |
II Recommended Courses | Disaster Management Policies A: from Regional and Infrastructure Aspect |
CHIBANA Takeyoshi, HIBINO Naohiko |
Disaster Management Policies B: from Urban and Community Aspect | KATAYAMA Koji | |
Earthquake Hazard Assessment A | NAKAGAWA Hiroto | |
Earthquake Risk Assessment | AZUHATA Tatsuya | |
Tsunami Hazard Assessment | SHIBAZAKI Bunichiro | |
Tsunami Countermeasures | FUJII Yushiro | |
Earthquake Hazard Assessment B | HAYASHIDA Takumi | |
III Elective Courses | Earthquake Phenomenology | KITA Saeko |
Characteristics of Earthquake Disasters | HARA Tatsuhiko | |
Earthquake Circumstance | SHIBAZAKI Bunichiro | |
Information Technology Related with Earthquakes and Disasters | ITO Eri | |
Structural Analysis | OTSUKA Yuri | |
Ground Vibration and Structural Dynamics | NAKAGAWA Hiroto | |
Seismic Structures | WATANABE Hidekazu | |
Seismic Evaluation and Seismic Design Code | AZUHATA Tatsuya | |
Theory of Tsunami | FUJII Yushiro | |
Case Study (Practice for Earthquake Disaster-Recovery Management Policy I) | ITO Mai | |
Case Study (Practice for Earthquake Disaster-Recovery Management Policy II) | HAYASHIDA Takumi | |
Case Study (Practice for Earthquake Disaster-Recovery Management Policy III) | MATOBA Moeko | |
Case Study (Practice for Tsunami Disaster Mitigation Policy) | HARA Tatsuhiko | |
Selected Topics in Policy Studies I -IV |
水災害リスクマネジメントコース カリキュラム
Category | Course Title | Instructor |
I Required Courses | Water-related Disaster Comprehensive Seminar | Various |
Water-related Disaster Specific Seminar | USHIYAMA Tomoki, HARADA Daisuke, OHARA Miho |
Project Cycle Management Practice | KOIKE Toshio | |
II Recommended Courses | Disaster Management Policies A: from Regional and Infrastructure Aspect | CHIBANA Takeyoshi, HIBINO Naohiko |
Disaster Management Policies B: from Urban and Community Aspect | KATAYAMA Koji | |
Hydrology | MIYAMOTO Mamoru, KOIKE Toshio, TANAKA Shigenobu |
Hydraulics | HARADA Daisuke | |
Disaster Risk Reduction for Hydroclimatic Extremes | KOIKE Toshio | |
Geography on Flood Disaster Management | NAGUMO Naoko, SUGAI Toshihiko |
River Engineering | SHIMIZU Yoshihiko | |
Sediment Transport Mechanics | QIN Menglu, EGASHIRA Shinji |
Control Measures for Landslide & Debris Flow | YAMAGUCHI Shinji, TAKESHI Toshiya, UCHIDA Taro, SUMI Tetsuya, OKAMOTO Atsushi |
Crisis and Risk Management | OHARA Miho | |
III Elective Courses | Numerical Analysis Method and Practice | USHIYAMA Tomoki, HARADA Daisuke, RASMY Mohamed |
Hydrological Modeling for Water and Sediment Disaster Management under Climate Change | RASMY Mohamed, SAYAMA Takahiro, HARADA Daisuke |
Geographic Information Systems and Remote Sensing Technique | RASMY Mohamed, KAWASAKI Akiyuki |
Field Inspection Study | KOIKE Toshio | |
Open Channel Hydraulics and Practice | NAITO Kensuke | |
Selected Topics in Policy Studies I -IV |
国 | 主な所属等 |
アルジェリア | National Center for Research Applied in Earthquake Engineering |
インド | Indian National Centre for Ocean Information Services (INCOIS), MoES |
インドネシア | Indonesian Agency for Meteorological, Climatological and Geophysics (BMKG); Ministry of Public Works and Housing; National Agency for Disaster Management (BNPB) |
エジプト | National Research Institute of Astronomy and Geophysics (NRIAG) |
エルサルバドル | Ministry of Environment and Natural Resources; Ministry of Culture; JICA Technical Cooperation Team for GENSAI Project; COAMSS/OPAMSS; INGENYARSE S.A. de C.V. |
ガーナ | Ghana Geological Survey Authority |
コスタリカ | Volcanes sin Fronteras; Instituto Costarricense de Electricidad |
コモロ | National Center for Documentation and Scientific Research (CNDRS) |
スリランカ |
Irrigation Department; Sri Lanka Land Development Corporation; Disaster Management Centre |
ソロモン |
Ministry of Mines, Energy and Rural Electrification |
チュニジア | Ministry of Equipment and Housing |
チリ | Ministry of Public Works; Asociacion Chilena de Ingenieria de Puertos y Costas |
トルクメニスタン | Ministry of construction and architecture of Turkmenistan |
トルコ | Istanbul Technical University |
トンガ | Ministry of Lands and Natural Resources; Ministry of Infrastructure |
ネパール | Ministry of Energy; Department of Water Resources and Irrigation; Ministry of Physical Infrastructure and Transport |
パキスタン | Pakistan Meteorological Department; Pakistan Water and Power Development Authority; Gilgit Baltistan Public Works Department; Pakistan Council of Research in Water Resources, Islamabad |
バングラデシュ | Ministry of Housing and Public Works; Bangladesh Water Development Board; Housing and Building Research Institute (HBRI) |
東ティモール | Instituto Do Petroleo e Geologia (IPG); Institute of Geoscience Timor-Leste (IGTL); Ministry of Public Works; National Directorate of Meteorology and Geophysics |
ブータン | Ministry of Agriculture and Forests; Ministry of Home and Cultural Affairs; Ministry of Works and Human Settlement; Ministry of Economic Affairs; National Center for Hydrology and Meteorology (NCHM) |
フィジー | Ministry of Lands and Mineral Resources |
フィリピン | Philippine Institute of Volcanology and Seismology; Philippine Atmospheric, Geophysical and Astronomical Services Administration (PAGASA); Department of Public Works and Highways; Department of Science and Technology, Philippine Institute of Volcanology and Seismology; Batangas State University; Department of the Interior and Local Government; Municipal Government of Manbusao, Capiz |
ブラジル | Military Fire Brigade of Minas Gerais; CPRM-Companhia de Pesquisa de Recursos Minerais |
ペルー | Japan-Peru Center for Earthquake Engineering Research and Disaster Mitigation (CISMID) |
ホンデュラス | Secretary of Infrastructure and Transportation |
マラウィ | Dept. of Disaster Management Affairs; Mmbelwa District Council; Nkhotakota District Council |
マレーシア | Public Works Department (JKR) |
ミャンマー | Ministry of Agriculture, Livestock and Irrigation; Directorate of Water Resources and Improvement of River Systems |
モーリシャス | Land Drainage Authority |
モロッコ | Ministry of infrastructure and water |
モンゴル | Institute of Astronomy and Geophysics, Mongolian Academy of Science |