GRIPS-related news of each faculty member

■Professor IIO, Jun

Specialty: Contemporary Japanese Politics

*Information correct as of the time of publication of listed media.

Date Contents Media
2023.12.14 Japan PM purges cabinet in bid to ride out financial scandal Reuters
2023.3.9 Ten years on, reconstruction tax continues to stir debate The Japan Times
2023.1.2 In 2023, Kishida's political survival hangs in the balance The Japan Times
2022.1.1 Comment: GRIPS Professor Jun Iio on policis of Kishida’s administration. SwiftTelecast
2021.10.19 Comment: GRIPS Professor Jun Iio on Lower House campaign and security policy. The Japan Times
2021.9.29 Comment: GRIPS Professor Jun Iio on the result of the Japanese Liberal Democratic Party’s presidential race. The Economist
2021.9.24 Comment: GRIPS Professor Jun Iio on the Japanese Liberal Democratic Party’s presidential race. The Japan Times
2021.6.16 Comment: GRIPS professor Jun Iio on Suga’s policy overshadowed by COVID-19 as the diet session closing. The Japan Times
2021.4.30 Comment: GRIPS Professor Jun Iio on Japanese political factions and US-China politics. The Economist
2021.1.29 Comment: GRIPS Professor Jun Iio on the relationship between Prime Minister Suga and Japanese people. The Economist
2021.1.3 Editorial: GRIPS Professor Jun Iio on the prospect 2021 of the Suga administration. The Japan Times
2020.10.25 Comment: GRIPS Professor Jun Iio on bill deliberation under the Suga administration. The Japan Times
2020.10.23 Comment: GRIPS Professor Jun Iio on an early Lower House election. The Japan Times
2020.9.11 Comment: GRIPS Professor Jun Iio on influence of Toshihiro Nikai in the next administration. The Japan Times
2018.9.15 Interview: GRIPS Professor Jun Iio on the Liberal Democratic Party presidential election. JIJI.COM
2018.9.11 Interview: GRIPS Professor Jun Iio on evaluation of and problems related to the implementation of the budget for reconstruction in the wake of the Great East Japan Earthquake. Kahoku Shimbun
2018.1.1 Comment: GRIPS Professor Jun Iio on the administration of the Liberal Democratic Party. The Asahi Shimbun Digital (national newspaper)
2017.10.19 Comment: GRIPS Professor Jun Iio on the phenomenon of election promises with little substance. The Japan Times
2017.8.3 Comment: GRIPS Professor Jun Iio on Prime Minister Abe’s new (third) cabinet. REUTERS
2017.3.28 Comment: GRIPS Professor Jun Iio on the term of office of Haruhiko Kuroda, the Bank of Japan Governor. The Japan Times
2017.2.28 News: GRIPS Professor Jun Iio will give a lecture on the Japanese experience of the Great East Japan Earthquake.
(Japanese only)
The Mainichi Shimbun (national newspaper)
2017.1.1 Comment: GRIPS Professor Jun Iio on Prtime Minister Shinzo Abe’s administration. The Japan Times News
2016.11.23 Comment: GRIPS Professor Jun Iio on Abe’s trade policy and the administration of new president of America. The Japan Times
2016.7.11 Comment: GRIPS Professor Jun Iio on the success of Abe’s LDP in the national election. The Japan Times
2016.7.11 Comment: GRIPS Professor Jun Iio on the results of House of Councillors election. The Japan Times
2016.6.22 Comment: GRIPS Professor Jun Iio on the House of Councillors election. The Japan Times

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