
Japan's Southeast Asia Policy and the Cambodian Conflict, 1979-1993: Diplomacy Amid Great Power Politics and Regional Confrontation

Thesis Defense Summary

Name: Andrea Pressello
Degree Title: Ph.D. in International Relations
Date of Conferment: September 5, 2012
Title of Dissertation: Japan's Southeast Asia Policy and the Cambodian Conflict, 1979-1993: Diplomacy Amid Great Power Politics and Regional Confrontation
Chief Examiner: Yoko Iwama
Committee: Taizo Miyagi(Sophia Univ.), Narushige Michishita, Tatsuo Oyama, Akihiko Tanaka(Univ. of Tokyo)
  1. 論文要旨
    In his dissertation Mr. Pressello seeks to clarify aims of Japanese foreign policy in shaping the post-Vietnam War order in Southeast Asia. Since the mid-1970s, Japan had attempted to influence poser balance in the region. A fundamental aspect of the Japanese vision was to realize a stable Southeast Asia based on peaceful coexistence and cooperation between countries of ASEAN and Indochina. This was the pillar of the policy framework announced by Japan’s Prime Minister Fukuda Takeo in 1977–the so-called Fukuda Doctrine.
    The outbreak of the Cambodian conflict in December 1978 and the Soviet invasion of Afghanistan the following year posed major challenges to these Japanese attempts by bringing back the Cold War tensions also to Southeast Asia. Previous studies assume that Japanese diplomacy went into a period of relative passiveness after these events. However, contrary to what is claimed in previous studies, Mr. Pressello argues that Japanese efforts did not halt by these events, that they remained quite constant even after these events.
    He uses declassified diplomatic documents from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Japan and other primary sources to demonstrate these points. He further argues that by implementing the doctrine, Japan aimed at pursuing its own national interest, playing a leading role in shaping Southeast Asia’s post-Vietnam War order and enhancing its political influence at the global level.
    Indochina cooperating with ASEAN, which would be relatively free from Great Power influences like the Soviet Union and China would contribute to the pursuit of geopolitical, security, and economic interests Japan had in Southeast Asia. Therefore, Japan did not abandon efforts to create regional cooperation and integration, even amidst the complex and tense international environment during the New Cold War period.
    However, this presented a dilemma for Japan, because the United States was strongly anti-Soviet and anti-Vietnam in this period. On the other hand, the Sino-American rapprochement was taking place and the US preferred Chinese influence in Indochina over Soviet influence. But Japan wanted to keep both Soviet and Chinese influence out of Indochina. Japan tried to deal with this dilemma through the adoption of a twofold diplomatic line. On one hand Japan acted as an “Asian member of the West,” committing to the anti-Soviet alignment and following US diplomatic line. On the other hand Japan continued to pursue its regional objectives, by engaging Vietnam and striving to reduce the distance between ASEAN nations and Hanoi on the Cambodian problem.
    In conclusion, Mr. Pressello argues that Japan followed an independent diplomatic line and worked for a Cambodian conflict settlement, eventually expanding its foreign policy in Southeast Asia beyond the economic dimension to encompass security issues.

  2. 審査報告

(1) 80年代から90年代初頭の日本の東南アジア外交を、一次資料とインタビューを基に非常に丹念に調べており、知られていなかった日本外交の一面を明らかにしたという点で、この分野の研究に貢献している。この点だけをとっても、博士論文としての条件を十分に満たしている。


(2) 福田ドクトリンという用語が一つの鍵となっているが、この内容が必ずしも明白ではない。どういう意味合いでこの用語を用いているのかを、明白にする必要がある。

(3) この外交は、結局外務省主導だったと言えるのか、福田総理個人はどの程度の役割を果たしたのか、またその他に重要であった政治家はいたのか、などが必ずしも明瞭でない。

(4) 日本外交がここに主張されているような狙いを持ってやっていた、ということはよく分かったが、最終的にカンボジア和平が実現し、ASEANが比較的まとまったブロックになったことに、果たしてどれくらい日本外交が役立ったかということは、これだけからでは分からない。もし日本外交が貢献した、と主張するのであれば、それを支える議論をもっとしなければならないし、そうでないのならば、そのことを明瞭にする必要がある。


全体として、本学の博士にふさわしい内容であると全員の意見が一致し、上記で指摘された諸点について修正したうえで、博士(Ph.D. in International Relations)の学位を授与すべきであるという判断が下された。論文修正後の措置に関して、主査が修正された最終版について承認することを審査委員が了承した。修正された最終版が提出され、指摘された問題点が修正されたことを主査が確認した。


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