


2018.5.16(水) 開催

The 89th GIST Seminar ” Why MNEs have little effect on development: applying an extended Lewisian framework”


The early development literature placed great emphasis that development was best achieved by using natural resource sectors for the transition to other sectors. Prior to the import substitution era, MNEs had a habit of internalising the complete value chain and creating enclaves that had few linkages or spillovers locally, and were regarded by policy makers as an obstacle to development. Since liberalisation, extractive MNEs have re-engaged with developing countries through looser governance structures with greater potential for linkages. Despite the potential, few host countries have seen meaningful MNE-led development because of weak domestic firms and poor location advantages. New MNEs from emerging economies have also not shown a greater propensity to local linkages. I present an extended Lewisian multiple economy model which is a novel tool to understand FDI and development and its limitations. It helps to highlight the limits to growth from the informal economy, and why there is a bottleneck that helps explain the failure of countries to transition away from natural resources towards knowledge intensive sectors.


Please register at this registration form by noon on May 16th.
If you cannot open the form, please send email to GIST Secretariat, gist-ml@grips.ac.jp.
Registration email must include: 1) your name, 2) institution, 3) position, and 4) e-mail address.


開催日時 2018年5月16日 (水)18:00-19:30 * 開場は17:30
講演者Dr. Rajneesh Narula (Professor of International Business Regulation and Director of the John H. Dunning Centre for International Business at the Henley Business School, University of Reading, UK)
会 場 政策研究大学院大学 会議室1A 
参加費 無料 (事前登録制)
言 語 英語
詳細はこちら お申し込み方法

〒106-8677 東京都港区六本木7-22-1

TEL : 03-6439-6000     FAX : 03-6439-6010


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