


2020.10.26(月) 開催

GRIPSフォーラム 『Mexican Agenda for Gender Equity』を開催致しました


Ambassador Melba Pria _resize


2020年10月26日(月)にGRIPSフォーラムを開催致しました。今回のGRIPSフォーラムでは、メルバ・マリア・プリーア・オラバリエタ閣下(駐日メキシコ合衆国大使)をお招きし、「Mexican Agenda for Gender Equity」という演題でご講演いただきました。 




Gender equality in Mexico separates two different dimensions: formal equality and substantial equality. In the first concept, Mexico has made significant progress in recognizing constitutional and legal rights for women. In the second place, there is still homework to do because a substantial condition goes beyond the State action and demands a socioeconomic behavior from the community.


In this presentation we will review the constitutional reforms on gender parity, the public policies to make this possible and the feminist foreign policy of Mexico. With this we attempt to overview the Mexican Agenda for Gender Equity.



講演者: メルバ・マリア・プリーア・オラバリエタ閣下 (駐日メキシコ合衆国大使)


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Ambassador of Mexico to Japan since June 2019. Previously, Ambassador to India (2015-2018) and to Indonesia (2007-2015). She was born in Mexico City. Holds a BA in Sociology, two MAs in Public Policy and International Studies, and a Post Graduate in National Security and Strategic Studies. She has served Mexico’s public and private sectors for 40 years, addressing issues relating to poverty, identity and tolerance, Mexican diaspora, marginalized and ethnically differentiated communities.





開催日時 2020.10.26 16:40~18:10(日本時間)
演 題Mexican Agenda for Gender Equity
会 場 オンライン開催 (Zoom Webinar)
参加費 無料(事前申込必要)
言 語 英語 (Zoom招待状も英語のみでのご連絡となりますことをご了承ください。)

〒106-8677 東京都港区六本木7-22-1

TEL : 03-6439-6000     FAX : 03-6439-6010


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