役 職 | 教授 |
学 位 | D.Phil, University of Oxford |
専門分野 | 行動経済学、実験経済学、環境経済学 |
現在の研究対象 | (1) Experiments on intra-household allocation, (2) Ageing and the environment, (3) Environmental policy in developing economies |
- 略歴
1984年 | College Lecturer, St. John's College, University of Oxford |
1985年 | Lecturer, University of Stirling, Scotland |
1990年 | D. Phil, University of Oxford |
1991年 | Lecturer, University of East Anglia |
1998年 | Senior Lecturer, University of East Anglia |
2000年 | Reader, University of East Anglia |
2005年 | Professor, Royal Holloway, University of London |
2008年- | Professor, GRIPS(現在に至る) |
- 主要な著作・論文等
2024 | (with D'Exelle, B. and A. Verschoor) Agricultural investment behaviour and contingency: Experimental evidence from Uganda, World Development. |
2023 | (with Vu, Trang Thu) The Link between Vulnerability to Poverty and Depression: Evidence from Vietnam, The Journal of Development Studies. |
2023 | (with Trinh, Tra Thi) Integrating a choice experiment into an agent-based model to simulate climate-change induced migration: The case of the Mekong River Delta, Vietnam. Journal of Choice Modelling. |
2020 | (with F. Masekesa)., Intra-household Inequality and Productivity. Evidence from A Real Effort Experiment in Rural Uganda World Development. |
2019 | (with Kebede, B., Tarazona-Gomez, M. and Verschoor, A)., The Lion's Share: An Experimental Analysis of Polygamy in Northern Nigeria. Economic Development and Cultural Change. |
2011 | (with C. Jackson, V. Iversen, B. Kebede, A. Verschoor) Do Spouses Realise Cooperative Gains? Experimental Evidence from Rural Uganda, World Development. |
2005 | An experiment on risky choice amongst households, (with I. Bateman), Economic Journal . |
2005 | Is there loss aversion in buying? An adversarial collaboration (with I Bateman, D Kahneman, C Starmer, R Sugden) Journal of Public Economics. |
2004 | Preference reversal: an experimental investigation of economic and psychological hypotheses (with R. Cubitt and C. Starmer) Economic Journal. |
2003 | On the theory of reference-dependent preferences, (with R. Sugden), Journal of Economic Behaviour and Organisation |
1999 | Economics of the Public Sector, (with Sara Connolly) Prentice Hall. London. |
1997 | (with I. Bateman, B. Rhodes, C. Starmer, and R. Sugden) Does Part-Whole Bias Exist? An Experimental Investigation, Economic Journal. |
1997 | (with I. Bateman, B. Rhodes, C. Starmer, and R. Sugden) A Test of the Theory of Reference-Dependent Preferences, Quarterly Journal of Economics. |
- その他
Chief Editor: Environmental and Resource Economics, 2024-
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