MUNRO, Alistair

役 職 教授
学 位 D.Phil, University of Oxford
専門分野 行動経済学、実験経済学、環境経済学
現在の研究対象 (1) Experiments on intra-household allocation,
(2) Ageing and the environment,
(3) Environmental policy in developing economies
  • 略歴
1984年 College Lecturer, St. John's College, University of Oxford
1985年 Lecturer, University of Stirling, Scotland
1990年 D. Phil, University of Oxford
1991年 Lecturer, University of East Anglia
1998年 Senior Lecturer, University of East Anglia
2000年 Reader, University of East Anglia
2005年 Professor, Royal Holloway, University of London
2008年- Professor, GRIPS(現在に至る)
    • 主要な著作・論文等
2024 (with D'Exelle, B. and A. Verschoor) Agricultural investment behaviour and contingency: Experimental evidence from Uganda, World Development.
2023 (with Vu, Trang Thu) The Link between Vulnerability to Poverty and Depression: Evidence from Vietnam, The Journal of Development Studies.
2023 (with Trinh, Tra Thi) Integrating a choice experiment into an agent-based model to simulate climate-change induced migration: The case of the Mekong River Delta, Vietnam. Journal of Choice Modelling.
2020 (with F. Masekesa)., Intra-household Inequality and Productivity. Evidence from A Real Effort Experiment in Rural Uganda World Development.
2019 (with Kebede, B., Tarazona-Gomez, M. and Verschoor, A)., The Lion's Share: An Experimental Analysis of Polygamy in Northern Nigeria. Economic Development and Cultural Change.
2011 (with C. Jackson, V. Iversen, B. Kebede, A. Verschoor) Do Spouses Realise Cooperative Gains? Experimental Evidence from Rural Uganda, World Development.
2005 An experiment on risky choice amongst households, (with I. Bateman), Economic Journal .
2005 Is there loss aversion in buying? An adversarial collaboration (with I Bateman, D Kahneman, C Starmer, R Sugden) Journal of Public Economics.
2004 Preference reversal: an experimental investigation of economic and psychological hypotheses (with R. Cubitt and C. Starmer) Economic Journal.
2003 On the theory of reference-dependent preferences, (with R. Sugden), Journal of Economic Behaviour and Organisation
1999 Economics of the Public Sector, (with Sara Connolly) Prentice Hall. London.
1997 (with I. Bateman, B. Rhodes, C. Starmer, and R. Sugden) Does Part-Whole Bias Exist? An Experimental Investigation, Economic Journal.
1997 (with I. Bateman, B. Rhodes, C. Starmer, and R. Sugden) A Test of the Theory of Reference-Dependent Preferences, Quarterly Journal of Economics.
  • その他

Chief Editor: Environmental and Resource Economics, 2024-

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