Japan-IMF Macroeconomic Seminar for AsiaAn Executive Training Program for Macroeconomic Policy Makers in Asia

Participants' Comments


Dr. Tran Kim Anh

Deputy General Director

Department of General Economic Affair, Central Economic Commission Viet Nam

I appreciate the macroeconomic seminar in 2019. JIMS is one of the best seminars I have attended. Through seminar, experiences and perspectives in the design and implementation of macroeconomic policies, challenges related to the global economy are analyzed and shared by experts with specialized knowledge deep like the famous scholars of GRIPS (GRIPS is one of the leading institute of policy research in Asia), senior IMF economists, Japanese government officials and the private sector. This is the first time I came to Japan; I was very impressed and admired about the country as well as the Japanese people. Although Japan is a country with very scarce natural resources, Japan has always been a world leader in science and technology and ranked the third in the world in terms of gross domestic product; is one of the world's largest producers of automobiles, electronics and steel. Achieving these achievements thanks to the will and strength of Japanese people. The topics of the seminar are very useful and interesting; especially to discuss the current risks and challenges facing the world economy such as the US-China trade war and the impact of that also participates in global value chains, regional economic integration.Joining JIMS is a great opportunity to improve my knowledge and get experience sharing from other countries. The topics covered in the seminar are very interesting and useful, JIMS offers the opportunity to learn from professors and experts from various international organizations, including IMF on the global economic context and regional views. The seminar is a great opportunity to connect participants from many different countries, working in different fields from the central bank and financial funds to line ministries.

Virak Khuon

Deputy Director

Ministry of Commerce

At the outset, allow me to extend my gratitude thank for all JIMS management, staff and supporters for invited me to the program. Taking this remarkable moment, may I express that the JIMS program is addressed the latest concern to our executive leadership level and the opportunity and challenges in our landscape. JIMS benefitted me in learning about the program and discussing topical issues in the macro policy space, sharing and receiving feedback from colleagues about the comment on the solution and challenges in our respective countries and learning about emerging risks in the region and around the global. Therefore, a number of lesson-learn for me to take home, more importantly, it has helped me to make use it for my daily work as well as to share with my colleagues. The speakers were longstanding experienced and well-respected experts from variety range of key macro institutions, policy makers, global value chain, trade war, protectionism and had many insights to share. I have no hesitation to say that I highly recommend the program for macro policy officials to apply for the upcoming seminar and wish all the best.

Gopal Giri


Department of Macroeconomics and Statistics Royal Monetary Authority of Bhutan

I never knew that the JIMS provides such a unique platform for the participants to discuss contemporary macroeconomic issues and challenges faced by the global and the regional economies. Opportunities provided to the participants at the JIMS to discuss their national economic issues, exchange views and build professional networks with other international participants were very useful. All the sessions that I attended were equally enriching with a good blend of both theoretical and practical aspects. I enjoyed all the programs including broadening my own knowledge on the Japanese economy. I sincerely urge all the prospective participants not to miss such a program organized by the IMF Regional Office for Asia and the Pacific

Linda Nurliana

Assistant Director

Bank Indonesia

The JIMS seminar offers a balanced mix of academic and practical issues in macroeconomics. The seminar was well structured, insightful, and rich in content and provided excellent information. The seminar also offered a chance to learn from experts from academia and international organization in a structured but informal setting. In addition to the great presentations, it provided an excellent opportunity to learn from and exchange experiences with colleagues from other central banks or ministries. All arrangements were excellent supported by the JIMS secretariat who provided the best and friendly assistance throughout the seminar. JIMS indeed is one of the best seminars I have ever attended.


Xuan Anh Le


Enterprises and Subsidiaries Management Division, Accounting and Finance Department, State Bank of Vietnam

Imagine you have been paying attention on your professional works purely, then you have one week in Tokyo, together with colleagues around Asia countries , Japanese senior policy makers and many well-known economists from international organizations such as IMF, WB, ADB to discuss about the movement of the world economy, current issues and debates in Asia and to share your knowledge and experiences on these issues and figure out some good solutions for the economy of your country. In addition, during the time, you also will have a chance to update your academic background and widen your professional network. These are what I had actually experienced and got from the JIMS at GRIPS. To me, JIMS 2018 at GRIPS, Tokyo is one of the best seminars I' have ever attended.

Dilorom Jumakhonzoda

Main specialist

Analytical Centre of the Main Department of macroeconomic analysis,forecasting and Economic Reform, Ministry of Economic Development and Trade

I never regret that I took part in the Japan-IMF Macroeconomic Seminar for Asia (JIMS).
Attending at JIMS, you will find the huge opportunity to get new importent informations and refresh your academic background from professors and high level officers of International Organizations. During the course, you can share your experiences and get new experiences, as well learn about economic problems and their preventions, solutions with policy makers in other countries.I hope You would not miss that usefull opportunity for you.
Good luck for new participants of JIMS - 2019!

Nwe Nwe Win

Director General

Budget Department, Ministry of Planning and Finance

JIMS is one of the effective and efficient seminars for me. It was really executive course within a week with full of policy messages for sustainable development based on current world economy. The beauty of this seminar is giving opportunity to meet all executive levels from MoPF and CBM in one place for exchange of views and thoughts.

Mohd Shazwan Bin Shuhaimen

Senior Economist

External Sector Analysis, Economics Department, Bank Negara Malaysia

A unique feature of the JIMS training programme is having the right balance between seminars, assignments, field trips and social events. The opportunity to engage with eminent speakers from academia and international organisations, and to interact with peer participants has been invaluable towards broadening the understanding of the ever complex and dynamic global economic environment.

Shynar Shaikh

Chief of Division

Financial Stability Department, National Bank of Kazakhstan

Jim's seminar covered a broad range of subjects related to the macroeconomics, monetary and financial stability policies of the central bank in Asian Pacific countries. The discussion in form of debates is worth mentioning separately. It surely allows you to explore topics from different angles and listen to the opinion of practitioners and academics. Great learning opportunity for everyone who is willing to broaden one's knowledge in the most actual topics of the government and central bank policies.

Poasa Nalomia Alfred Werekoro

Acting Chief Manager

Financial System Development Group, Reserve Bank of Fiji

"The JIMS program is both interesting and informative and pitched at the senior to executive leadership level. I enjoyed learning about and discussing topical issues in the macro policy space, sharing and receiving feedback from colleagues about challenges in our respective countries and learning about emerging risks in the region and around the global. The speakers were well respected experts from a range of key macro institutions and had many insights to share. I highly recommend the program for macro policy officials."

7-22-1 Roppongi, Minato-ku, Tokyo 106-8677

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