- 2022.11.04 [Fri]
- GRIPS LIBRARY NEWSLETTER No. 33 (November 4, 2022)
- 2022.08.24 [Wed]
- GRIPS Library will be closed at 17:00 on August 29th
- 2022.08.03 [Wed]
- Textbook List for Summer term AY2022 uploaded
- 2022.06.30 [Thu]
- [Important] Notice of Library Closure Due to the International Academic Conference (August 1 – August 3, 2022)
- 2022.06.30 [Thu]
- Binding back issues of journals (FINISHED)
- 2022.06.27 [Mon]
- Invitation for CEIC Data Online Training Session on 8 July [in ENGLISH] (Finished)
- 2022.06.23 [Thu]
- GRIPS LIBRARY NEWSLETTER No. 32 (June 23, 2022)
- 2022.06.23 [Thu]
- GRIPS LIBRARY NEWSLETTER No. 32 (June 23, 2022)
- 2022.05.11 [Wed]
- Page not found
- 2022.05.09 [Mon]
- Page not found
- 2022.04.20 [Wed]
- Invitation for ScienceDirect/Scopus/Mendeley Webinars in April [in JAPANESE] (Finished)
- 2022.04.14 [Thu]
- Invitation for GRIPS Discovery Service & EBSCOhost Databases Online Training Session on 26 April [in JAPANESE](Finished)
- 2022.04.12 [Tue]
- GRIPS LIBRARY NEWSLETTER No. 31 (April 12, 2022)
- 2022.04.12 [Tue]
- GRIPS LIBRARY NEWSLETTER No. 31 (April 12, 2022)
- 2022.04.08 [Fri]
- Notice of Temporary Suspension of Download Service at Maruzen eBook Library (Resumed from April 27, PM19:00)
- 2022.04.08 [Fri]
- Invitation for Online Training Session: Basic Search for Materials [in JAPANESE] (Finished)
- 2022.04.05 [Tue]
- Invitation for “Library virtual tour” sessions [in JAPANESE](Finished)
- 2022.04.02 [Sat]
- Textbook List for Spring term AY2022 uploaded
- 2022.03.30 [Wed]
- New procedure for accessing online resources off-campus or with your own PC
- 2022.03.22 [Tue]
- [Important] Notice of Library services after 22 March, 2022
- 2022.03.07 [Mon]
- [Important] Notice of Library services under the semi-emergency coronavirus spread prevention measures (Updated Mar 7, 2022)
- 2022.02.24 [Thu]
- Invitation for ScienceDirect/Scopus/Mendeley Webinars in March [in JAPANESE](Finished)
- 2022.02.24 [Thu]
- 【TRIAL】Database Trial is carried out (CEIC Data)→Newly introduced(From April 2022)
- 2022.02.17 [Thu]
- [Solved] Problem regarding library e-mail address (Updated Feb 17, 2022)
- 2022.02.10 [Thu]
- [Important] Notice of Library services under the semi-emergency coronavirus spread prevention measures (Updated Feb 10, 2022)
- 2022.02.02 [Wed]
- Textbook List for Winter term AY2021 uploaded
- 2022.01.06 [Thu]
- GRIPS LIBRARY NEWSLETTER No. 30 (January 6, 2022)
- 2022.01.06 [Thu]
- GRIPS LIBRARY NEWSLETTER No. 30 (January 6, 2022)