Off-campus Access / On-campus Access with Your Own PC

Off-campus access service (EZproxy)

When you access GRIPS’ subscribed e-journals and e-books or use search tools (Discovery Service, E-Journal/E-Book search, databases) from off campus, or on campus with your own PC, please access them via EZproxy, using the “Remote” link on the Online Resources page.
You need to log in with your EZproxy ID and password.


1. Click the “Remote” link beside each online resource on the Online Resources page and you will jump to the off-campus access service (EZproxy) login page. 
2. Log in with your EZproxy ID and password
3. You should see “” as part of the address field in your web browser. 
4. Be sure to close your browser when you’re done.
For details, see Off-Campus Access (PDF)

Instructions and Directions for Use

  • If you are using your own PC at GRIPS and you connect via GRIPS campus Wi-Fi, please access via the “Remote” link.
  • The link to e-books in the OPAC search result is only for on-campus access. To use e-books from off campus, or on-campus with your own PC, please access E-Journal/E-Book search via the “Remote” link on the Online Resources page, then search. The search results will provide links to e-books.
Publishers have their own terms and conditions for the use of e-resources. The following acts are prohibited. 
* Use for purposes other than personal research and study 
* Excessive downloads or print-outs beyond normal personal usage, in particular, downloads using automatic download software 
* Duplication and redistribution of data 
Any breach of the Terms and Conditions may result in our rights to access the resources being suspended.