
2015.10.20 [Tue]

Invitation for EBSCOhost Databases Guidance on Nov. 9

The Library is going to hold EBSCOhost Databases Guidance on Monday, November 9, with a guest instructor from the database provider EBSCO International Inc.
The instructor will introduce you the brief outline of the database, basic searches and useful tools available in the database.

How to apply:
Send an e-mail to the Library with your name and GRIPS ID.
Applications will be closed when all seats are filled.

EBSCOhost Database Guidance
Date: Monday, 9th November, 2015
Time 16:40-(17:40)
Place: Lecture room B on the 5th floor
Language: English

EBSCOhost Databases

EBSCOhost is a very useful database to search for various kinds of materials such as journal articles, book reviews and e-books and allows you to search several databases in a single interface.

1. Academic Search Premier : a multidisciplinary database
2. Econlit : economics-specialized database
3. eBook Collection : provides full texts of electronic books

EBSCOhost is available at Online Resources

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