2024.11.14 [Thu]
Invitation for GRIPS Discovery Service & EBSCOhost databases webinarThe GRIPS Discovery Service & EBSCOhost Databases Webinar will be held in ENGLISH, with a guest instructor from the database provider EBSCO International Inc.
※All of our EBSCO databases have been updated to a new user interface.
In this webinar, you will learn how to navigate the new interface.
Tuesday, 19 November 12:15-13:15
*Webinar will be recorded.
This webinar will be held using Zoom. Pre-registration is not required. Click the Zoom link provided in the e-mail on the day to join.
Presentation slides will be shared after the webinar.
Please fill out the online questionnaire after the webinar.
−GRIPS Discovery Service:
GRIPS Discovery Service is a document search tool that can help you search GRIPS subscription e-journals, e-books,
databases and online open access academic resources all at one time. Some of the search results provide full-text links.
−E-Journal/E-Book search:
You can search GRIPS subscription e-journals and e-books by title via "E-journals / E-books search".
−EBSCOhost Databases:
EBSCOhost Databases are very useful databases to search for various kinds of materials such as journal articles,
abstracts, book reviews and e-books and allows you to search several databases in a single interface.
・Academic Search Premier: a multidisciplinary database
・Econlit: economics-specialized database
・eBook Collection: provides full texts of electronic books
The database can be accessed from the "Online Resources" page.
From off-campus PCs / PCs brought on campus, please click "Remote" button displayed on the right side of the database name.