2. Research Projects

Research Projects

Apr 1, 2006 - Mar 31, 2012

International Comparative Studies on Cultural Policy


Cultural policy in the 21st century must contribute to creating and developing a fruitful and appealing society; the policy must also serve to pass down traditions to the generations that will follow. In order to accomplish this, it is crucial we all be aware that culture and arts are vital resources in society, and that they are relevant to the economy. The International Comparative Studies on Cultural Policy project conducts quantitative and qualitative analysis to examine the impact of cultural resources, such as culture and art facilities and cultural landscapes, on regional economies. The analysis provides insights into how a system for cultural policy can be constructed. Through comparative study on cultural policy in Japan and France, mainly focusing on systematic approaches and policymaking processes, the project investigates whether these countries’ policies effectively promote culture, and explores the potential of institutional design to realize a policy that does so.. Integral to this project is close collaboration with research and education institutions in countries such as France, Italy, Australia, and South Korea. The research result of this project will be applied to the Cultural Policy Program.