2. Research Projects

Research Projects

Nov 1, 2007 - Mar 31, 2013

Education Policy Research Project


The Education Policy Research Project utilizes tools for empirical analysis drawn from economics, political science, and mathematical science along with international comparisons and retrospective analyses to examine various issues related to education. The project aims to bring empirical and theoretical research to bear in devising and presenting policy options for resolving real-world problems.
A cornerstone of the project is the participation, partnership, and cooperation of GRIPS researchers engaged in empirical research on education and human resource development, education policy officials from central and local governments, and researchers and research institutions abroad. Research is being progressively deepened through study groups, seminars, and symposia, with results released publicly as appropriate. Policy information and data found to be valuable for education policy research will be shared through a data- base portal site.
Results of the research activities are also utilized in the Education Policy Program, which aims to foster specialists with the empirical and theoretical skills to analyze, plan, and implement local education policies.