Inter-Library Loan is a service which allows the GRIPS faculty and students to borrow materials from other libraries or obtain copies of articles that are not available at the GRIPS Library.
Before you apply, check OPAC to be sure the material you need is not owned at the GRIPS Library.
Number of requests
Number of requests allowed: 20
We may cancel some ILL requests when we already hold an excessive number of requests to operate.
How to apply
Apply from MyLibrary.
For details, see How to use MyLibrary (PDF)
For those of you who cannot use MyLibrary, consult the Library staff.
Required number of days and Fees
Books usually arrive within 1 week.
GRIPS Library pays the fee for materials requested to be used for research purpose.
Fees will be charged for requesting inter-library loans when:
1. requesting express delivery of materials;
(charge includes normal plus express delivery fees)
2. requesting materials available at GRIPS Library or can be accessed for free on the Internet.
What you can apply
You can obtain a single copy of each article or a part of text in a book for the purpose of private study or research within the limit of Copyright Law*.
*It is permissible to make a single copy of a part of a work, or of all of an individual work in a periodical already published for a considerable period of time ( i.e. the next volume has already been published, or three months have passed since publication).
You can copy a part of each section of a multi-author book.
You can borrow books for a certain period of time from other university libraries.
Borrowing period varies by the lending library’s regulation: typically 2-3 weeks.
You can take out the materials to the outside of the GRIPS Library when the lending library allows it.
* Journals, reference books, microforms, rare books cannot be borrowed.
* You may not specify the library where to borrow the material from.
* The lending library may limit the use of the material: to use inside the GRIPS Library only, or forbidding photocopying.