GRIPS 政策研究センター Policy Research Center


2014年1月15日 Report No:13-25

In search of appropriate institutions for forest management

  • 大塚 啓二郎政策研究大学院大学
  • Pokharel Ridish Institute of Forestry, Tribhuvan University, Pokhara, Nepal
分野 経済学
言語 英語

There is a variety of forest management institutions ranging from state management to community and private management. This article attempts to identify the conditions under which one institution outperforms the others in the efficiency of forest management based on a review of the literature, empirical evidence on the dominant forest management institutions, and theoretical arguments. In conclusion, we argue that the community management system performs best for non-timber forests, whereas a mixed management system, in which forest protection is carried out communally and tree management is carried out individually, is likely to work best for timber forests.

キーワード State management, Community management, Private management, Mixed management, Protection cost, Management incentives
添付ファイル 13-25.pdf