GRIPS 政策研究センター Policy Research Center


2014年1月8日 Report No:13-24

The impacts of a community forestry program on forest conditions, management intensity and revenue generation in the Dang district of Nepal

  • Poudel Narayan Raj 早稲田大学大学院アジア太平洋研究科
  • 不破 信彦早稲田大学大学院アジア太平洋研究科
  • 大塚 啓二郎政策研究大学院大学
分野 経済学
言語 英語

A growing literature documents the positive impact of community management on non-timber forest conservation, but not on the management of timber forests which require higher management intensity than do non-timber forests.  We find in Nepal that better market access encourages felling of mature timber trees before but not after the community management began and that population pressure leads to deforestation, which would have taken place under government management, but encourages forest management in recent years under community management. Longer period of community management is found to be associated with the higher density of larger trees, indicating that the community management facilitates rehabilitation of timber forests.

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