GRIPS 政策研究センター Policy Research Center


2013年7月30日 Report No:13-14

Technology Adoption and Dissemination in Agriculture: Evidence from Sequential Intervention in Maize Production in Uganda

  • 松本 朋哉政策研究大学院大学
  • 山野 峰政策研究大学院大学
  • Sserunkuuma DickMakerere University
分野 経済学
言語 英語

We use a randomized control trial to measure how the free distribution of modern inputs for maize production affects their adoption in the subsequent season. Information collected through sales meetings where modern inputs were sold revealed that the average purchase quantity of free-input recipients was much higher than that of non-recipients; that of the neighbors of recipients fell in-between. Also, credit sales had a large impact on purchase quantity, and the yield performance of plots where the free inputs had been applied positively affected the purchase quantities of both recipients and the neighbors with whom they shared information on farming. 

キーワード Technology adoption, Agriculture, Field experiment, Uganda
添付ファイル 13-14.pdf