2. Discussion Papers
  3. Submission Guidelines

Submission Guidelines

  • Submission Guidelines for GRIPS Discussion Papers

    The policy for publishing discussion papers through the Policy Research Center is as follows.

    • Manuscripts in category (A) or (B)

      1. A. Manuscripts by the following authors:

        1. Faculty members including adjunct, visiting, and past faculty members./p>

        2. GRIPS scholars including visiting scholars and past scholars.

        3. GRIPS students including those in doctoral and masters programs, as well as past students.

      1. B. Manuscripts based upon research achievements from GRIPS research projects.


        • For GRIPS scholar papers, recommendation and submission by the GRIPS host professor(s) is required.
        • In principle, past faculty members may publish based on their research completed at GRIPS.
        • External Co-authors are permitted.
        • For student papers, recommendation and submission by advisor is required.
    • Publication

      Manuscripts are published by the Policy Research Center, and released on the Institutional Repository at GRIPS(https://grips.repo.nii.ac.jp/) The Center will provide printed copies to the authors upon request (printing costs shall be borne by the Center).

    • Submission

      Send manuscript(s) with the Manuscript Publication Agreement to the Policy Research Center by e-mail.


      • The Center does not conduct proofreading or referee reviews. The Center will check only format of the manuscript. (Please see Discussion Paper Format Check ※Browse by University faculty, students and staff only)
      • The report number will be provided with a cover page, so please send the manuscript as a Microsoft Word file.
      • If you wish to publish in GRIPS Discussion Papers as a part of research projects at GRIPS and if authors do not include any GRIPS faculty members, please include the name of project in the manuscript and submit agreement with the name of the project and the signature of the project leader.
      • If you wish to publish revised discussion papers, please see Rules for publication of revised discussion papers.(※Browse by University faculty, students and staff only)