Vietnam Development Forum is launched
27 February 2004


VDF (Vietnam Development Forum) office has been officially set up in Hanoi, Vietnam, which will be a core centre of GRIPS-NEU (National Economic University, Hanoi) joint project.

The objective of the new project is to conduct policy-oriented academic research in the field of Vietnam's economic development. Professor K. Ohno is a project leader of Japan side.

For further information, please see the VDF Website. 



What is VDF?

- The Vietnam Development Forum was established in 2004 by the joint research project between the National Graduate Institute for Policy Studies (GRIPS) in Tokyo and the National Economics University (NEU) in Hanoi.

- The VDF aims to innovate research methodology and dissemination for policy impact. For this purpose, young talented Vietnamese people are mobilized.

- The VDF bridges the gap between academic research and policy formulation. We build open networks where researchers and policy makers can meet, discuss and help each other.

- The VDF initiates and coordinates studies on Vietnam's development. We also happily publicize excellent research produced by scholars and organizations outside the VDF.

- The VDF is an academic unit and not a consulting business. It is financially supported by the Japanese government [the 21 Century COE Program] until 2008, and [Global COE Program] until 2013.



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