
Leader of Leadersを育てるしくみ


Leader of Leadersを養成する、新しい人材育成モデルを提唱

多くの分野の専門家を束ねる能力を持つリーダーたち、細切れの断片的な知識ではない、より深い教養に支えられ、専門性が進んだことによって生じる分野の壁を越え、その間の溝に橋を架ける能力や広い視野を持ち、大局的に判断する能力を持つ、Leader of Leadersが必要との立場から本プログラムを開設しました。





Executive Seminar

博士後期課程の必修科目であるExecutive Seminarでは、本プログラムの担当教員に加え、国内外の様々な分野で活躍する方々を講師として招き、合宿形式等で集中的に学びます。講師から現代の諸課題に関してレクチャーを受けるだけではなく、チュートリアル形式やロールプレイ型の討論、グループワークを通じて、大局観に必要な6つの力(見通す力、考える力、伝える力、率いる力、決める力、描く力)の習得を目指します。














“The G-cube Executive Seminar is an example of the usage of interdisciplinary approach in formulating policies and solving the challenges of our time. Our last Seminar thoroughly discussed the issue of accountability and corruption (which often plague developing countries), through the academic, practitioners, business, civil society and bureaucratic lenses.”

“I mostly enjoyed the 360 degrees perspectives and the pragmatic discussion held throughout the Seminar, given the various nationality, professional background and rich experiences of the participants. The Seminar also provided an opportunity to hone my analytical ability and practical skills through the role playing session, mock press conference and multiparty negotiation.”









“The tutorials offered at GRIPS have been very useful for me as these have broadened my horizon and have geared my research in the right direction. Most attractive feature of tutorials is that they are specially tailored and carefully designed according to the academic requirements of the participating students. The learned professors give students opportunity to discuss their minds freely and openly which becomes a unique learning experience. Because of discussions in tutorial sessions, I have been able to think objectively and grand-strategically about varying situations countries and institutions face on regional and international level.”


Policy Debate Seminarについて

冬学期と春学期に開講されるPolicy Debate Seminarでは、作文、プレゼンテーション、ディベートの実践的なトレーニングを通して様々な角度から考える力を鍛えます。元世界銀行のチーフエコノミストや政治指導者等を講師として迎え、講義のほか、危機管理対応も含めたシミュレーション等を行うワークショップ形式の授業も取り入れ、言語、文化、歴史、専門、国籍を越えて知的な議論を行う能力、より多くの人々にわかりやすく伝える能力を涵養します。


冬学期にブルッキングス研究所のシニア・フェローであるJohn Martin Page Jr.博士を招聘しました。ペイジ氏は元世界銀行のアフリカ総局チーフ・エコノミストであり、世界銀行の有名な報告書『東アジアの奇跡』を取り纏めた他、貧困削減に向けた政策策定に携わるなど、世界銀行のスター・プレイヤーとして途上国の経済開発支援に多大な貢献をした実績を持ちます。この講義では、「持続的な経済成長に、産業化は必要なのか、産業化に必要な政策とは何か」をテーマに、アジア・アフリカの諸国における産業政策を分析し、ディスカッションを通して地域比較研究をしました。



“What I find insightful about the lectures is that Dr. Page combines both a historical perspective and Economic perspective of the issue discussed (say Poverty, Industrialization) and clearly articulates how this has evolved over time, what is happening now, what will happen in the future and also gives indicators and solutions to impending solutions. He combines both theoretical and empirical studies while discussing each topic. “


“Dr. John Page is versatile in giving insight to the real issues being faced globally and that is also reflected in his lectures. The diversified approaches in ‘Industry and Economic Development’ while linking employment opportunities, poverty alleviation, and economic growth with the trade and industry in the global perspectives specially relating it differently to different parts of the world based on socio-political environment is highly remarkable. Having the rich experience, while being at the important positions of international organizations, the Professor enriches the enlightenment of the course participants about the alternative approaches of the policy making to cope with the problems faced by world in general and developing countries in particular. The course is challenging in a way that it motivates the participants to explore the potential to develop expertise for working as global leader.”

“It is not only contents of the lecture that I find interesting, but also our professor who draws our attention with his teaching skills. By turning those complex contents into logical yet simple concept, it encourages me to learn from this class and it helps broaden my perspective about economic development.”




  • Peter Katzensteinコーネル大学政治学部教授(ハーバード・ビジネス・スクール形式の特別集中講義)
  • ギナンジャール・カルタサスミタ・元インドネシア大統領諮問会議委員(特別集中講義)


  • タノン・ビダヤ・元タイ王国財務大臣(特別集中講義)


  • 中原 秀人 三菱商事株式会社 取締役副社長執行役員
  • 坂根 正弘 小松製作所相談役
  • 渡辺 博史 国際協力銀行総裁
  • 丸山 和博 東レメディカル取締役会長
  • 小縣 方樹 JR東日本取締役副会長
  • 並木 淳一 Woodside Energy Australia Asia Holdings Pte.Ltd. Senior Asia Advisor、前東京ガス


  • 千島 良樹 高根学園理事。元日本航空


  • 吉田 浄 日本科学技術振興財団専務理事。前日立製作所



“The lecture was very useful especially on the importance of management in the organization”

“All the lectures were useful and provided a great opportunity to interact with top-notch professionals from relevant sectors in Japan”

“I might try to look also into the involvement of the corporate sector for my dissertation after this presentation”